
TISZA – BÉRC Ltd. is a 100% Hungarian owned company.

 Currently owning four establishments it has been constantly flourishing since its creation.

Our company’s main purpose is collecting and processing hazardous and non-hazardous waste produced by companies and individuals. We also organize competitive waste collection events, where kindergartens and schools in Miskolc and its region collect paper waste, PET and other drink bottles. Around 100 schools join these events every year.

We have every permission required for all our activities to take place, which are always in accordance with current environmental legislation. Our company has the MSZ ISO 9001 and MSZ 14001 quality and environmental management system in place.

Our goal is to increase the recovered raw materials from waste, decreasing its negative effects on the environment to make production more sustainable.

Address Kiss Ernő u. 17., H-3531 Miskolc, Hungary

+36 20 958 3526


+36 46 331 621




[email protected]