Pandan Ltd.

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Pandan Ltd.’s main activity is basically plastic processing, during which the company makes products of high plastic content for the environmental protection industry and the energy industry as well.

Besides the company provides complex services, developments and implementations on this field. These works are supported by specialised design companies and designers of the professional fields, which results Pandan® Ltd. has decades of experience of cooperation in the field of wastewater cleaning, power engineering, logistics, packaging industry and construction industry.

Products manufactured by the company:

  • Plastic packaging (bags, sachets, sacks, etc.)
  • APP drainage sheets, Styrofoam shreds, industrial plastic shreds
  • in the water treatment sector: sedimentation inserts, drip trays, fixed-bed biological inserts, counter-, and cross-flow cooling tower inserts, drip separators, plastic tanks, manholes

Zanati út 38., H-9700 Szombathely, Hungary


+36 94 509 262


+36 94 328 384

E-mail [email protected]
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