Waste management and Circular Economy from a global perspective

Waste management and Circular Economy from a global perspective

The International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) is an international network of waste professionals and experts from around the world. Members from over 110 countries are working and cooperating in different Working Groups, Task Forces and projects. ISWA follows the freshest trends and news worldwide and playing an active role to establish sound waste management on every continent, in every country.

HAEE (KSZGYSZ) is an active Gold member in the ISWA community and this year we become the Represetative for Hungary (National Member). HAEE members are interested in the global market and playing an active role developing waste management in the region, therefore ISWA is a good opportunity them to speed-up the transition and train the colleagues.

Our webinar is about to introduce ISWA services, membership and operating mechanisms. Members can ask and share ideas and opinion on the topics.

Webinar programme:

  • Introduction of participants
  • ISWA as a global organisation – Greetings from the General Secreteriat – MARC TIJHUIS, General Manager
  • ISWA activities and opportunities to participate (working groups, task forces, resources) – RACHELE ’RAE’ CHWEE, Membership Engagement Manager
  • HAEE in the ISWA – GARY HANKO, Managing Director, Representative for Hungary, HAEE
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